Covid Update 3rd November 2021 Dear Members, Monash Council and Tennis Victoria have now advised us of the current conditions allowable for our tennis club to operate safely: Competition is now permitted. Vaccination requirements do not apply to organised competitive...
COVID - 19 Return to Tennis: We're Open! Dear Members, Tennis Victoria and The City of Monash have agreed to allow us to open the courts. After committee discussions the following rules must be followed as per Tennis Victoria and The City of Monash: MEMBERS ONLY – NO...
COVID Update 20th September 2021 Dear Members, There is a possibility that tennis may return in Victoria when single dose vaccination reaches the 80% mark. This could be by Sunday 26th September 2021. Also, a reminder: Only six reasons to leave home:1. shopping for...
COVID update 11th August 2021 Dear Members, Unfortunately, we have another lockdown commencing Thursday 5th August 2021 at 8pm for another 7 days we have another 7 days to add to the lockdown. Hopefully we can reopen on Friday 13th July 2021 Friday 20th August 2021....
COVID update 5th August 2021 Dear Members, Unfortunately, we have another lockdown commencing Thursday 5th August 2021 at 8pm for another 7 days. Hopefully we can reopen on Friday 13th July 2021. Key tags have been deactivated to prevent access to the courts. Stay...
Covid Update 27th July 2021 Dear Members, Wheelers Hill Tennis Club will reopen on Wednesday 28th July 2021 when the key tags will be activated. Competition can recommence. Masks to be worn indoors and outdoors except while playing tennis. Spectators not permitted...