We are open!
Dear Members,
At last we can return to tennis, albeit with quite a few restrictions, please observe the following guidelines:
There should be no more than 10 people on-site at any given time. This number includes spectators and or parents. These restrictions have been imposed on us by Tennis Victoria (TV) and Monash City Council (MCC).
Clubhouse will be CLOSED
Gate should be closed after entering and departing the club, our key entry system enables us to monitor members, a requirement by TV and MCC for tracking, in case of infection.
Members to bring their own water, there will be no access to the water fountains on courts.
Maintain the 1.5m social distancing on and off the court. All members should show respect of physical distancing of other members at all times.
Members only are permitted to play – no visitors are allowed.
Players should arrive ready to play, if you have to wait, please wait in your car in the car park.
Limit the number of balls you bring to the court.
Players should limit their time on court to 1 hour, be mindful of your fellow club members at all times, you may continue to play if there are no members waiting. Please leave the courts as soon as you have finished play, no socialising.
Members to bring their own sanitiser, sterilise your hands before and after play.
Your committee is currently working through the various procedures and there may be changes in the near future. Be patient, in these difficult times we are working hard to implement the systems and processes that will help to keep us safe. We will continue to communicate with you and provide information as it becomes available.
You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing. You must not play if you are unwell or display any flu like symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case. Members are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app to assist with contact tracing in the event someone within our club becomes infected.
Wheelers Hill Tennis Club